10/02/17 - Impressions and opinions about the subject
Hi, my dear agro-Engineers !! Today we are going to talk about the last subject that we have taught in the master of agroengineering that I am currently attending at ETSIA: Web services and applications in the agrofood industry (In Spanish Servicios y aplicaciones web en el sector agroalimentario). As general characteristics,...
03/02/17 - Internet of things in Agriculture Engineering
Hi, my dear agro-Engineers !! Today we are going to talk a little about Internet of things in Agriculture Engineering, since it is an issue that is already topical, and that will be implemented very quickly. First of all, the Internet of things is the interconnection of everyday objects with the...
29/01/17 - Top 10 apps related with renewable energies, biomass and enviroment
Hello again !!, and welcome to this new post, about .... 10 apps that can be found related to renewable energies, environment and biomass. Some have a more technical aspect and others have a more didactic aspect. Since the arrival of smartphones, a world of possibilities in terms of sustainability has...
21/01/17 - World best websites about renewable energies and biomass
Hello and welcome to this blog entry, with specific content, as it is not the first. On this occasion I will tell you, as the title of this post says, about the best websites related to one of the topics that my TFM can treat. These are initially international websites that will...
19/01/17 - Bienvenidos
Os doy la bienvenida a esta mi página/blog, donde encontrarás: -Información y opinión relativa sobre temas agronómicos y energías renovables. Los cuales estarán muy relacionados con el Máster en agroingeniería que actualmente estoy cursando. -También os iré informando de los avances que vaya realizando en dicho máster Espero sea interesante. Os saluda, Jesús