World best websites about renewable energies and biomass

Hello and welcome to this blog entry, with specific content, as it is not the first.
On this occasion I will tell you, as the title of this post says, about the best websites related to one of the topics that my TFM can treat. These are initially international websites that will be related to renewable energies, agronomy and biomass. Biomass we will frame within the renewable energies, but I put it as a part, because it is a fascinating subject that I like very much in which I would like to focus on a future. The example of short-rotation poplar plantations within the biomass will be discussed.
Researching in English via Google on renewables energies, one of the first pages to come out is "Renewable energy word", which they say is The World's # 1 Renewable Energy Network for News, Information, and Companies. In it you can find a lot of information.
It has a main page with the latest news on renewable energies (articles in the press, blogs, etc.), reports, financial information, among others. Then there is a menu at the top where all the categories of the web are, being these each type of renewable energy: Solar, wind, geothermal, etc. In each one of them has sub sections of news, opinion, videos, etc. It is certainly a very complete web to stay up to date on this topic.
Another of the first websites that appear when doing the search on google, is the scientific journal of the Elsevier, in its publication on renewable energies. In it you can find many top scientific articles on renewable energies.
One of the most interesting forms of renewable energy is biomass or bioenergía. One of the top places in this world is that of Bioenergy international, which is an English-language subscription-based trade publication with allied web platform and is focused on the biomass-to-energy value chains; Solid, liquid or gas. Founded in 2001 it is based in Stockholm, Sweden and owned by SBSAB, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Swedish Bioenergy Association, SVEBIO. They have a lot of topics, such as biogas, pellets, livestock waste, research, biofuels, both solid and liquid, etc.
Also when doing a search on biomass and bioenergy, when we find ourselves in a university network, one of the results also obtained is the scientific publication of Elsevier on biomass and bioenergy, where you can find scientific articles to consult in a possible research work.
Entering a little more on the subject of biomass, I will comment on SRC, among which there are many species that can be used, but one of the most significant impact, use and research have is poplar (Populus spp.). . At this point it is where agronomy, environment and renewable energies converge clearly.
Websites that focus on this topic is difficult to find, as it is a very specific topic, however if it is easy to find in other types of more general pages on renewable energy, environment, etc. An example is the article that I found in a web called eXtension, in which it treats great variety of subjects, since it is a platform of diffusion of knowledge of different American universities. In the article on this website on poplar cultivation in SRC, it deals with how it is produced, how it is harvested, sustainability in its use and how biofuels can be obtained.
Next I leave a very interesting video on the mechanization in the crop of crops SRC, as in this case the one of the poplar. Note that the machine used is the same one used to harvest maize forage, but with the only exception that the head is changed by another one adapted to this type of woody crops. As this type of machines do not have a hopper, you need a tractor that drags a tub in parallel to pick up the chip:
To finish this post, I will comment on some pages of biomass in Castilian that are also interesting. One of them is Bioplat, which is the Spanish technological platform of biomass, in which they seek an implantation, joint and gradual promotion of biomass at the Spanish level.
Another is the Spanish Biomass Energy Enhancement Association (Avebiom), which was set up in 2004 to promote the development of the Bioenergy sector in Spain. The main objective of the association is to grow the consumption of biomass for energy purposes so that, in this way, the associated companies grow and their turnover.
On the other hand, to highlight that Avebiom is a member of the Word Bioenergy Association, which is the global organization dedicated to supporting and representing the wide range of actors in the bioenergy sector. Its members include national and regional bioenergy organizations, institutions, companies and individuals.
I hope you enjoy this post,
See you!!